
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2023, Volume: 13, Issue: 2, Pages: 56-58

Case Report

Dermatology Photo Quiz – 4

Received Date:13 June 2023, Accepted Date:04 July 2023, Published Date:24 July 2023


Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is slow growing and less discomforting lesion. BCC is usually seen on upper part of the face (A line drawn from the angle of mouth to tragus of the ear). As the lesion is less symptomatic, patients do not come forward for treatment. Pain and itching are the greatest gift of the God. People seek treatment, if they get discomfort in the lesion either in the form of pain or itching. This patient is 75-year-old man, illiterate and do not give importance to his external appearance, all the time he will be thinking of going to field, grow the crops, and feed himself and his dependents. As he fell down and injured the lesion, he was forced to come major hospital for treatment. The reason for not giving importance to his external appearance is because of his poverty and illiteracy which makes him work tirelessly for his and his family to meet his daily needs.


Keywords: BCC, Tumor cells, Basal cells


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Published By Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education, Kolar, Karnataka


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