
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2023, Volume: 13, Issue: 4, Pages: 115-121

Original Article

Physico, Chemical and Functional Properties of Different Millets and their Suitability for Preparation of Enhanced Nutritious Laddu

Received Date:09 October 2023, Accepted Date:13 December 2023, Published Date:28 December 2023


Millets are a nutrient-rich staple meal for the world's poor, and increasing the nutrient bioavailability is one of the key strategies for promoting their use. To enhance the edible, nutritive, and sensory qualities of millets, they are often prepared using conventional processing methods. Thus an attempt was made with an objective to assess the physical and functional properties of sprouted and unsprouted millets and to observe the acceptability of the laddu prepared from sprouted and unsprouted millets. Physical and functional properties for both sprouted and unsprouted grain and flour were analyzed using standard techniques. These properties were studied in 4 different millets i.e. kodo millet, finger millet, little millet, and sorghum. Physico-chemical properties have shown that sprouted millets have some of the good cooking properties and sensory evaluation has also show to be more acceptable. Keywords: Millets, Soaking, Sprouting, Unsprouted, Laddu, Physical And Functional Properties, Nutrient Composition


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Published By Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education, Kolar, Karnataka


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