
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2014, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 305-308

Review Article

Review on Anatomy of Cerebral Arterial System- Clinical Importance


Cortical system and central system of arteries supply the entire cerebrum. The cortical branches supply the grey matter at the surface of the hemisphere and are derived from the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries. The grey matter is more vascular than the white matter due to high metabolic rate. The central system of arteries derived from the circle of Willies, penetrate the base of the brain and supply the diencephalon, basal nuclei and the internal capsule. Literatures stated central branches are end arteries for all practical purposes. Both the central and cortical branches are surrounded by periarterial pial sheath upto the precapillarylevel. The periarterial sheath is filled with cerebrospinal fluid and probably exerts damping effect on the expansile pulsation of artery. Supero- lateral surface of the hemisphere is supplied by middle cerebral artery, medial surface outside the corpus callosum is under nutritional control of the anterior cerebral artery. Posterior cerebral artery supplies the infero- medial surface of the occipital and temporal lobes including visual area. The arterial system is responsible for the constant nourishment and oxygenation of the brain, any disruption of the system will have almost immediate and potentially catastrophic consequences. Ischemic deficits, haemorrhagic events and structural anomalies associated with cerebrovascular diseases are the most common pathological conditions of cerebral arterial system.

Key words: Cortical system, Supero- lateral, cerebrovascular diseases


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