
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2020, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-3

Review Article

COVID 19 Pandemic: What is it Teaching?


When a disease occurring in unusually very large number with extensive geographic spread affecting an exceptionally high fraction of the population and also crossing the ocean barrier then it’s called as Pandemic. World has witnessed many such hard ships in form of Plague, Spanish Flu, Polio and Influenza. At such times it has sub-stantiated that health of the people of the nation is of paramount importance and human life is the most valuable asset of the country. From December 2019 there has been a buzz word, most searched word on internet and most prated word on various media platforms which is CORONA Virus so called COVID -19. Towards the end of 2019, World Health Organization (WHO) declared this newly mooted zoonotic viral pathogen as Public Health Emergency of International concern as it had created a world-wide outbreak. The term Public Health Emergency of International Concern is “an extraordinary event which constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease and potentially require a coordinated international re-sponse. 1The outbreak has showed no signs of slow-ing down despite much appreciated global contain-ment and quarantine efforts by various nations.2 Spanish Flu so called Mother of all pandemics had killed 50 million people all over the world in 1918-19 had scorned public health preparedness. Even after so many researches happening all over world, many unanswered queries have been repudiated regarding Spanish Flu. First being why there was two peaks of this flu pandemic, second why there was simultaneous infection of humans and swine during the outbreak and more important viral ge-nome and its pathogenicity. 3 Have we learnt any-thing from this ponderous drill remains unan-swered till date.


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