Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences
Year: 2020, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 41-42
Special Edition
Vijay P Agrawal 1*, Munmun V Agrawal 2
1. General & Laparoscopic surgeon, Prem Prakash Hospital, Nagpur, India.
2. Dental Surgeon, Prem Prakash Hospital, Nagpur, India.
*Corresponding Author
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Mobile No : 9673100575
Face shield is one of the parts of personal protection equipment. It is used to protect face which in-cludes eyes, nose, mouth etc. It is mainly used by healthcare workers to protect them from patients body fluids like droplets, secretions etc. In the present scenario of limited resources, we have prepared a reusable face shield from lamination Pouch.
Keywords: Face shield, Covid 19, personal protection equipment (PPE)
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