
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2023, Volume: 13, Issue: 4, Pages: 122-125

Original Article

Profile of Ophthalmic Causes of Headache – A Prospective Study

Received Date:04 September 2023, Accepted Date:07 December 2023, Published Date:29 December 2023


Headache is the most common cause encountered in ophthalmological practice. It is mistaken that all headaches are associated with refractive errors and other ocular diseases. However, it can be an alarming sign in many cerebral disorders and be a key indication for intervention. The study emphasizes determining the causes of headaches and quantifying the ocular causes. Purposive sampling of the subjects above five years presenting with a headache was included in the study. Data was collected with the help of proforma. Cross references from other specialties like ENT, medicine, dentistry, and neurology were taken. Out of 500 subjects in our study, 391 patients (78.2%) directly attended the ophthalmology OPD with headache. In contrast, 109 (21.8%) were referred from other (ENT, Medicine, Dental, Neurology, Surgery) specialties to ophthalmology OPD because of evaluation of headache. A wide range of differential diagnoses must be considered when evaluating patients with headaches with ocular pain or visual disturbances. Hence, the ophthalmologist is the first physician to triage these patients.

Keywords: Headache, Ophthalmic, Benign, Refractive errors, Causes


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Published By Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education, Kolar, Karnataka


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