
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2021, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, Pages: 47-65

Review Article

Review on the Effect of Mobilization-With-Movement and Eccentric Exercise in Lateral Epicondylosis


Background: Lateral epicondylosis is also acknowledged as tennis elbow is caused by injury to the proximal tendinous attachment of the extensor carpi radialis brevis. The condition is associated with people such as carpenters, musicians, sportspersons, housewives, typists, construction workers, etc. Manual physiotherapy techniques with established benefits in lateral epicondylosis are numerous. Objective: To explore the effectiveness of Mobilization-with-Movement (MWM) and eccentric exercise on lat-eral epicondylosis (either in isolation or coupled with other treatment/s) Study design: Narrative review Method: Several electronic databases were searched from January 2019 to February 2020. The eligibility for inclusion was examined by two reviewers through the evaluation of the article abstract and full article. Methodological quality was assessed by employing PEDro scale. At least one functional/ disability outcome measures such as pain scale, isometric grip strength, pain-pressure threshold, and relevant questionnaires were used in the studies. Results: 21 articles (9 for MWM and 12 for eccentric exercises) were included. Remarkably superior improvements were observed in all studies following MWM treatment whereas in the case of studies with eccentric exercise, although beneficial improvements were seen in all studies, only 7 out of 12 studies showed superior improvement as compared to other therapies. Conclusions: Significant improvement in pain and movements in lateral epicondylosis with MWM. Eccentric exercise shown to be effective as adjunct in multimodal therapy. There is underpowered evidence of utilization of these approaches differentiating acute and chronic cases.

Keywords: Tennis elbow, physiotherapy, Mobilization with Movement, eccentric exercise.


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