
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2014, Volume: 4, Issue: 2, Pages: 272-275

Original Article

A Study on Effectiveness of Tranexamic Acid as an Anti-fibrinolytic Agent to Reduce the Intraoperative and Immediate Post-operative Bleeding During Caesarean Section


Background: Blood is the essence of life and unfortunately women are prone to loose it. This study is an attempt to reduce the chances of blood loss during Caesarean Section, the commonly done operation for child birth now a days. Methods: A total number of 108 patients were selected for the study. They were divided into two groups; Control group and Study group. The patients who were not administered tranexamic acid during caesarian section were taken as the control group and those who did receive the tranexamic acid formed the study group. Study was made to evaluate the effectiveness of Tranexamic Acid to reduce blood loss during Intraoperative and immediate post operative period of Cesearean Section. Results: : In this randomized control study, tranexamic acid was found to reduce the blood loss by about 15 % after the placental delivery till end of the surgery. This amounts to about 40 ml blood loss reduction on an average. In addition, it was found that the average blood loss was also decreased by about 9 % from the onset of surgery to the end of the surgery. This amounts to about 100 ml of blood loss reduction due to tranexamic acid, which is quite significant. Conclusion: In the present study, it was found that there was an effective reduction in the blood loss in the study group with tranexamic acid. No side effects were noted due to administration of tranexamic acid on the mother or the neonate.

Key words: Tranexamic Acid, Caesarean Section, Blood loss.


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