
Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences

Year: 2016, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 112-120

Review Article

Free Trade Agreements and Intellectual Property Rights: An Impact on Access to Essential Medicines: Overview of the Global Trade Negotia-tions, in the Context of Developing Countries


Globally the policies are well placed to address the major issues of access to essential medica-tions to meet the global humanitarian crisis. Major concern across the global health com-munity, for making the provisions of the safe and essential medicines are the challenges, in negotiating with various regulatory agencies, with respect to their trade policies and priori-ties.[1] Free trade agreements and intellectual property rights are of the most important is-sues the global health community needs to ad-dress, to push the agenda of countries essential medicines, within the policy sphere. Public pol-icies are the back bone of one’s own countries political and administrative mechanisms to make provisions of the essential services, in-cluding the health care services. Trade agree-ments and negotiations needs to happen with-in the ambiance of the public policy sphere. The policies or agreements ideally needs to be formulated within the context of country’s emerging markets, economy and diseasesPo-lices does not fit into the framework and may have a little impact on health outcomes, if they are not contextualized.[2]


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